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I love this movie! Its beautiful artwork makes it the first CG film that I consider a visual masterpiece. The Producer, Glen Keane, is a master animator from the Disney Renaissance and was the Key for characters Ariel, Beast and Pocahontas, among others. He was originally the director for this film, but after a medical emergency he changed hats. Now back to the story…

Rapunzel is a princess who was born after a miracle flower saved both her life and her mother’s. Rapunzel has the gift of healing, which makes her a target for Mother Gothel who steals her from her royal home and locks her away from the world in a tower, intending to greedily abusing Rapunzel’s gift.

Rapunzel grows up in the tower, never knowing her true royal identity, and wondering “When will my life begin?” This is similar to the state of humanity after the fall. As humans, we ourselves are locked away as slaves to sin.

Consider for a moment how Rapunzel left the tower; she leapt out the window using her hair to descend gently to the ground. How many years had she been capable of leaving that tower and didn’t? We as individuals do not have to remain slaves to sin, we can leave at any time but we don’t, just like Rapunzel.

Looking deeper, it is clear that she stayed because of what she had been told by Mother Gothel for nearly two decades. “You’ll be hurt, deceived, robbed… or worse.” Gothel even went so far as to call Rapunzel CHUBBY and UNATTRACTIVE to keep her trapped, and it worked. Gothel says that life is safer in the tower. In a similar way, Satan whispers lies to us to keep us from stepping out of the darkness and into the light of Christ. He tells us that we won’t be happy, that life will be too difficult or boring; he also says that we aren’t good enough because of sin, perhaps even attacking our physical appearance, calling us fat or ugly. He tells these things to our kids, too! This keeps us trapped.

Mother Gothel wanted to keep Rapunzel’s gift to herself. Imagine if Rapunzel were allowed to grow up in the Kingdom she was born in, still in possession of her ability. She could have helped so many people! And guess what? The same can be said for us and our kids! We all have wonderful gifts, and Satan would like to keep them hidden or used to bring him honor, rather than have these talents bless others and bring glory to the Name of God.

What gave Rapunzel the courage to step out of the tower? Flynn Rider. She trusted Flynn as a man who could keep her safe… and he did. In fact, Flynn turned out to love Rapunzel so much… SO MUCH that he would rather DIE than see her remain a slave forever! Jesus loves you that much! Flynn did die, if you remember the opening of the movie, he tells us, “This is the story of how I died.” Thankfully though, he didn’t stay dead; he and Rapunzel get married, rule the Kingdom together and live happily ever after. Thankfully, Jesus didn’t stay dead. And One Day He will marry His bride, share His royalty with Her and we will live happily ever after.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Rapunzel has a special ability; everyone is given talents from God. What are your special talents? (It’s ok if you don’t know yet, but what is important is to know you do have at least one!) How can you use your talents to bless others and bring glory to God?
  2. Mother Gothel tells Rapunzel lies to keep her trapped and to keep Rapunzel’s powers for herself. She tells her the world is scary, and even tells Rapunzel that she is chubby & unattractive! Does Satan tell you lies also? What does God say about you? (Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 139)
  3. Flynn was willing to die to save Rapunzel from being Mother Gothel’s slave. What did Jesus do to save you from being a slave to Satan and to sin? (John 8:34, Romans 5:8)
  4. In the end, every one of Rapunzel’s friends has their dreams come true. Did you know that God wants to help you reach your dreams too? What’s your dream? (Psalm 37:4)