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Sleeping Beauty

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This is my favorite story of all the Disney movies, mostly because it so closely parallels the story of Redemption. This movie is also absolutely beautiful in its ultra wide-screen format and unique visual style created by Ken Anderson and Eyvind Earle. It’s no wonder it took nearly ten years to complete.

When Aurora is born, the 3 good fairies come to bestow blessings upon the new born princess, but the evil fairy, Maleficent comes to bestow a curse, that when she turns 16, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die. Thankfully, the last good fairy had not yet spoke her blessing, and she weakened the curse to merely cause a deep sleep, that will be undone by true love’s kiss.

We can relate to Aurora’s situation because we were born under a curse, the curse of sin that began with Adam. Aurora wasn’t told of her curse, and many people do not even realize they are under the curse of sin. Thankfully, God did not allow the curse of sin to end in death, as we’ll see, He provided a way out that also involved a Prince.

Subsequent events of the story carry out as Maleficent had planned and she imprisons Prince Philip, who was betrothed to marry Aurora, so that he may not by his kiss free her from the curse. By the help of the fairies, Philip escapes. With the Sword of Truth and the Shield of Virtue he defeats the evil fairy, who had taken on the form of a dragon. He kisses his Sleeping Beauty and she awakes. They get married and live happily ever after.

In our story, Prince Jesus comes to the rescue of his betrothed bride, the Church. Prince Jesus conquers the Dragon, Satan, and saves us from our curse. He doesn’t save us by a simple kiss though. Instead, he takes the curse upon himself and suffers death, overcoming it by His divinity. We look forward to the impending wedding that will take place at the time of His return, and we know that we will live with Him, Eternally Joyful… that is, Happily Ever After.

Discussion Questions:

  1. When Aurora was born, she was cursed by Maleficent.  Did you know that people are all born cursed? What is the curse that we all suffer? (Romans 5:12-14, Galatians 3:13)
  2. Just as Prince Philip fought the dragon to save his true love, Prince Jesus battled a dragon to save his bride. Who was the dragon, and who is Jesus’ bride? (Rev. 20:2, Ephesians 5:25-33)
  3. Jesus did not lift our curse by a kiss, how did he save us? (Galatians 3:13, Isaiah 53:5)
  4. Princess Aurora and Prince Philip live happily ever after. How are we going to live happily ever after with our Prince, Jesus? (Rev. 21:3-4)